Lynn began quilting in 1997, and in 2008, she started her pattern company, Sew'n Wild Oaks, where she designed 35 traditional quilt patterns, and authored a resource manual called Patchwork Math.  She has been the featured artist at several quilt shows in California. She has appeared on TheQuiltShow.com (Episode #1604), and taught her Patchwork Math classes in the classroom section of The Quilt Show. Three of her designs have been featured in QuiltMania magazine.  Lynn also created one of Marcus' most popular BOM programs, A Ribbon Runs Through It, featuring A RETURN TO ELEGANCE fabrics by Judie Rothermel.  Her own debut fabric collection, HEARTHSTONE and accompanying BOM program, Bridle Path, are set for release in August/September 2023.


"My grandmother sat me in front of her treadle sewing machine at a very early age. I was immediately smitten with quilting. I loved combing different fabrics and shapes mainly cut from my grandmothers old house coats and aprons. I also used the scraps from the clothes my mother and grandmother made for me.


My mother was the 4H sewing instructor, and she tried to teach me how to make my own clothes. I remember the first item of clothing I made was a gathered skirt. I made the waistband a little too tight, with an over-abundance of gathers. When I cinched myself in the skirt, my mother said I looked like a featherbed tied in the middle. That was the end of garment construction for me!"


Lynn's educational background is in geography.  She worked as a Geographic Information Systems Analyst at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a fancy way to say she was a cartographer with a twist, mapping then analyzing data collected by scientists around the world.   "Sometimes I would only have a 30-second flash of a viewgraph with a map to get my point across, using color and symbology. My knowledge and use of color transferred directly to the quilting world." 


Lynn has been married to her college sweetheart for 50 years. They have three children, and six grandchildren.


Follow Lynn's blog at www.sewnwildoaks.blogspot.com, where she shares her current and past projects, classes, recipes, quilting tutorials, "and other good stuff!"



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