The definition of the word quiltmaker is simple the maker of quilts. Margie Hockman, age 88, and a lifetime resident of Bentonville, Virginia, is the pure definition of the word quiltmaker. As a young girl, she was introduced to utilitarian quilts made by the ladies in her community, some to become her future family.  When she was 10 years old, Margie s father took her family to the Smithsonian where she saw her first whole cloth quilt. That whole cloth quilt inspired her lifetime legacy of quilt making.


Margie started her first quilt, a Double Wedding Ring, at the early age of 13 It didn t take her long to decide that she had chosen a pattern a bit too advanced for a beginner and that quilt was momentarily set aside. By the age of 15, she had completed a much simpler pattern using triangles and was back to completing that Double Wedding Ring quilt! She is a gifted and talented quiltmaker, preferring handwork to machine sewing, although she is also a gifted seamstress.


She prefers appliqu and quilting to piecework. No matter what the medium, her quilts are a testament to the immense talent she possesses and the true joy that quilt-making has brought to her life.


Margie has been a member of ten quilt guilds, most of those as a charter member. She has willingly shared her time and talent to guild projects and has fully quilted six amazing raffle quilts including two quilts produced to raise money for the creation of the Virginia Quilt Museum. Margie states that if it hadn t been for quilting, she would not have met so many nice ladies . You are among the lucky ones if you have had the pleasure of getting to know her, experienced her generous nature in the sharing of her amazing talent, and been encouraged by her deeply embedded love of everything quilts.


Not only is Margie a quilt maker, but she is also a quilt collector. She also enjoys adding quilts to her collection made by the many quilters she has befriended.  Through the years she has amassed quite a collection of antique quilts, many of those being 19th-century pink and green quilts, her favorite category.  These are the quilts that inspired Margie s debut collection, New Dawn.


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