The vibrancy of CENTENNIAL SOLIDS by Marcus was all it took to inspire Krisanne Watkins to create Radiant Nights , her gorgeous new celestial design.
Color has always intrigued me and the myriad of opportunities to contain them inside a quilt design is so satisfying, she explains. Krisanne skillfully mixes the collections best jewel tones and mid-brights to create twelve different sampler-style blocks as the floating, radiant celestial bodies. She then adds receding blue-violet stars, interspersed to create depth. Quilt shops and their customers alike will appreciate the economical appeal of Centennial Solids for the entire quilt top.
To enhance the dramatic feel of the solids, quilts can choose from three different wide backings. These can be used simply on the back, as intended, and also as
coordinating room accessories from window treatments to pillows even pajamas!
The 12-Month program begins January 2025.